Tomás Anjos Barão

Tomás Anjos Barão

Communication designer, activist and volunteeer from Portugal.

E-mail: tomas@tomasbarao.ptTelegram:

Some things that get me out of bed

Some things that get me out of bed

A library of references in permanent construction, and probabily already out of date. Many of the descriptions are not yet translated to english, for which I apologize.



[*Who's afraid of the TPPA?*](

Comics by Toby Morris

Through his comics Toby is able to expose and explain situations of social injustice in a clear, straightforward and captivating way, taking us beyond the surface. We need more communicators like him. I translated one of his comics to portuguese.

Aldous Huxley VS George Orwell

Based on an quotation of the book Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman, this comic strip compares the distopia of Brave New World by Huxley with the one in 1984 by Orwell, arguing that we're closer to the first one. It prompts us to think about the

[*You should've asked*](

Comics by Emma

The first one I saw was You should've asked (Fallait demander in the french original), about the unequal distribution of house chores and the mental load of its organization, and it changed my behaviour forever. See her other comics and the books she published.

Propoaganda, by Joana Estrela

The author tells the story of her stay in Lithuania, doing European Volunteer Service at the Lithuanian Gay League. She says Vilnius is the gayest place on Earth, but there's still a long way to go until everyone can live free from homo-bi-transphobia. Website