Tomás Anjos Barão

Tomás Anjos Barão

Communication designer, activist and volunteeer from Portugal.

E-mail: tomas@tomasbarao.ptTelegram:

Some things that get me out of bed

Some things that get me out of bed

A library of references in permanent construction, and probabily already out of date. Many of the descriptions are not yet translated to english, for which I apologize.

Annual events

Annual events

International Theatre Festival of Setúbal

A full week of stimulated thought and imagination. Theatre created on our doorstep or on the other side of the ocean. An art for infinite tastes. Real salvation lies in theatre, the art of being together. Believing in the collective again.

Photos by [Paula Nunes]( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Fórum Socialismo (political debate event)

For me a political party should be more than a group of people with similar ideas; it should be a space for dialogue and learning. In the Fórum Socialismo of the portuguese Left Bloc, everyone can learn new things and have interesting conversations, despite their political ideology.

Photos by Carlos Martins, Vera Marmelo and Verónica Paulo

Bons Sons Festival

A summer festival brought new life to the small village of Cem Soldos, in the center of Portugal, proving the transformational power of culture and the diversity of portuguese music. I'm still trying to go for the first time, but it is already an inspiration to me.

Pride of the Highlands (Cádiz, Spain)

In Sierra de Cádiz the DELTA Association brings together twelve rural villages to celebrate LGBTIQ Pride every year, proving it is also possible to be free without the anonimity of big cities. Article on El País

Photos by [gaelx]( (CC BY-SA 2.0), AraInfo ([1]( e [2]( (CC BY-SA 2.0) and [CGT]( (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Spanish Feminist Strike (8M)

On the 8th march 2018, women all around Spain skipped their jobs and house chores to go on an unprecedented feminist strike, showing that when they stop, the country stops. In 2019 they inspired similar strikes in many other countries.